Ok y'all, I've decided to make the birthday volunteering a tradition! If you haven't read my post about the 30 for 30 challenge, check it out here, it may inspire you to do something as well! I will have to keep adding on each year, obviously, since we grow older with each birthday UGH. So, this year I will be at 31. I know some of the deeds will be the same, but I would really like to find some new and creative ones to add. If you have any ideas, please let me know, I would love to hear them!
What already got me thinking about this is I saw a link for the Charity Water page via Twitter last week and they do a birthday campaign. PERFECT! If you haven't heard of Charity Water, you should definitely check them out. http://www.charitywater.org/ They raise funds for clean drinking water and allow anyone who wants to be a part of it to do so through their birthday. 100% of the funds raised through the birthday donations go to fund clean water projects. After the projects are complete, you can see the exact project you funded through photos and GPS. It's a pretty great organization and all you have to do is pledge your birthday and round up some donations.
This will fit in perfectly with my goal and is already #1 on my list. Hopefully I can impact a lot of people this way and inspire many more to get out and do some Random Acts of Kindness in their community - or just create a Charity Water page on their birthday and raise funds online! Man, I'm already super stoked about this and I still have another 10 months before I really need to get down to business. haha!
Hope everyone is having a fabulous week and looking forward to a wonderful Easter weekend ahead. And seriously y'all, send me any suggestions you have for my list!
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