Thursday, December 13, 2012


As Christmas is fast approaching, now is when we all get into the giving spirit. We want to donate, volunteer, and just spread joy to everyone. I know I'm definitely one of those people who fall into the category of "being more in the giving mood" around the holidays. But y'all, we really need to focus on this stuff year round. I recently stumbled upon this (Click Here) blog post. Seriously, click the link and read the blog before reading on! She basically decided to make her 38th birthday a day to help others all around her community, by performing 38 Random Acts of Kindness. Brilliant! I absolutely love this idea! I've been racking my brain trying to come up with something fun to do for my 30th in February.. think I found it!

I was really inspired by one of my favorite celebs that I follow on Twitter, Sophia Bush, when she used her 30th birthday for a good cause this summer. She funded an entire school by raising $30,000! It was her 30 for 30 campaign. Obviously, I don't have the followers and outreach that she has, so something more like my homegirl Robyn's RAOK (yeah we're bff now) would be more suited for me. It totally works out since my birthday is on a Saturday, and the following day is the Superbowl, so I can meet my goals on my actual bday and then celebrate the best way I know how- by watching my boys play the game I love the next day. I'm thinking this is the best plan ever.

Now, here is where y'all come in. I need some ideas for my RAOK. There are obvs the staples of making donations and such but I need some others as well, after all I have to do 30 in one day! This is a very small community so I'm going to have to think outside the box for this one. I would love to have some helpers with me to participate and take some pics, so I can share my Big 3-0 with all of you! So, bring on the suggestions for some RAOK in the comments :)

Hope everyone is enjoying this holiday season and this great winter weather we're having down here!


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