Wednesday, October 24, 2012

One Week to Halloween!

I cannot believe that Halloween is one week from today. Time sure is flying by! Last year I didn't get to carve a pumpkin (one of my all time favorite things of all holidays) and it's not looking so great for this year either. I guess that's ok since I'm probably not going to be handing out candy or anything either. My neighborhood has just gotten really cranky with the holiday spirit. Annoying right?! Last year I went over to Heather and Ryan's to dole out the goods and it was a blast, but with Miss E getting older they're hitting up a carnival this year. I'm thinking it will be an order pizza and watch a movie kind of night. Maybe a little Hocus Pocus? LOVE that movie. What are y'all doing for Halloween? Working with college students and hearing about all their costumes makes me miss the days of dressing up, kinda. It's always fun in theory, but then I can never come up with a super AH-mazing costume like everyone else seems to have. So yeah, pizza and a movie sound fabulous!

I have been so freaking busy lately! Life just seems to be flying by at an exceptionally fast pace and it's pretty crazy. This past weekend I was back in good 'ol CStation for my dear friend Erin's birthday festivities. It was so much fun seeing her and all the other Cheddar's girls we used to hang out with (and eating at Cheddar's!) we had a blast. Sometimes it's fun to pretend you're still 20 and hit up Northgate and all the old haunts like Gatsbys. We did run into Von Miller outside Gatsbys when we were leaving, that was pretty awesome! Our night wouldn't have been complete without an Aggie football player run-in/hang out... Martellus, Reggie anyone? ;)

A few of us here in the Ville have started a book club, which I've always wanted to be a part of so I'm super excited about! We are meeting Thursday night to discuss our first book, Gone Girl. I had heard so many good things about this book and it's been on the best seller list for a while now so I figured it would be a good book to start with. Let me just say this book is totally CRAZY. The characters are like insane in the membrane out of their mind crazy. Which in some ways is good, it was definitely not very easy to anticipate the direction of the book (which I'm usually really good at doing) but it was also a little hard to follow sometimes with all the twist and turns. I'd say if you like mysteries and are down for a little psychotic twist, then this would be a good book for you my friend. I'm really excited to see what books the other girls pick each month. I'm sort of a book nerd if you haven't been able to figure that out yet. I'll have to start doing a review each month of our books on here, although it'll have to wait until after we meet, just in case some of the lovely ladies are procrastinators with their reading. (not everyone can be as nerdy as me and finish the book in a couple days just because they need to haha!)

 Anyway hope everyone is having a great week, only two more days to the weekend!


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