Friday, April 27, 2012

Who doesn't love fruit?

Some of you have probably seen the post I did on Facebook recently about Dreyer's Fruit Bars contest and if you haven't you really should check this out! Dreyer's Fruit Bars are having a contest across the nation to donate 17 fruit orchards to the community with the most votes. That's right, it's solely based on the citizens in each community (or really nice neighboring communities) to get online and vote!

Voting is super easy, you just need to create a simple account (your email address and a password) and then you can log-in and vote for Hville. What's really awesome is that each person can vote once a day! We're currently at about 1300+ votes this morning, and while the leaders are in the 9000+ range, the 10th spot is only at the 1900 mark. If we can really get the word out and push everyone we know to vote, I think we definitely have a shot at the top 17.

Here's what you need to do: CLICK HERE! and create your account then start voting and share the link with everyone you know via social media, email, or word of mouth.

What's truly amazing about this fruit orchard "when" we get it, is that the fruit will be free to the public since it will be a city entity! I sure didn't know that the fig and pecan trees on city property are free for citizens to pick from, did you? Just think how awesome an entire fruit orchard would be! Not just for us to have fresh fruit, but for the environment! It would also be an excellent way to teach kids about healthy eating habits, along with environmental friendliness.

So let's all get to voting each and every day!

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