Friday, April 27, 2012

Who doesn't love fruit?

Some of you have probably seen the post I did on Facebook recently about Dreyer's Fruit Bars contest and if you haven't you really should check this out! Dreyer's Fruit Bars are having a contest across the nation to donate 17 fruit orchards to the community with the most votes. That's right, it's solely based on the citizens in each community (or really nice neighboring communities) to get online and vote!

Voting is super easy, you just need to create a simple account (your email address and a password) and then you can log-in and vote for Hville. What's really awesome is that each person can vote once a day! We're currently at about 1300+ votes this morning, and while the leaders are in the 9000+ range, the 10th spot is only at the 1900 mark. If we can really get the word out and push everyone we know to vote, I think we definitely have a shot at the top 17.

Here's what you need to do: CLICK HERE! and create your account then start voting and share the link with everyone you know via social media, email, or word of mouth.

What's truly amazing about this fruit orchard "when" we get it, is that the fruit will be free to the public since it will be a city entity! I sure didn't know that the fig and pecan trees on city property are free for citizens to pick from, did you? Just think how awesome an entire fruit orchard would be! Not just for us to have fresh fruit, but for the environment! It would also be an excellent way to teach kids about healthy eating habits, along with environmental friendliness.

So let's all get to voting each and every day!

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Ruffles and Lace!

Isabel and I are really getting this craft business off the ground. Today we got a Facebook page setup! You can go check it out here: Ruffles and Lace on Facebook

We are really excited for this new adventure and can't wait to get going on more projects to load and sell. In addition to the Facebook page, there's also an email address- If you have any questions about pricing or special orders you can send an email if you prefer not to post on Facebook. I will continue to update with craft posts here as well.

So, spread the word to all your friends to go like our page! :)

Super pumped for this weekend and celebrating Caitlyn's 16th birthday, followed by a rainy Sunday filled with projects. Be sure to check back next week for new craft posts!


Friday, April 6, 2012

Get Your Run On!

May 1st will kick off the Tread on Trafficking campaign for Love146, and organization dedicated to bringing an end to child slavering and exploitation as well as providing aftercare to the lucky ones who have escaped. If you have not already heard about Love146 and the work they do, go check out their website and see for yourself what they're all about.

Tread on Trafficking takes place from May1st - June 30th. During this time I (and many other treaders) will be logging miles in any way we can to reach an established goal, mine is 325 miles. The idea is to get sponsors to donate a certain amount per mile, for example if you were to donate $.10/mile for me and I reach my goal of 325 miles, you would ultimately be donating $32.50. This can get a little confusing for some and also the not knowing exactly how much you will donate might deter some people, well never fear there is always a way! You can also make a one time contribution through my page ( So, whether it be $5.00 or $25.00 or however much you are able, any little bit helps! And believe me, when the beginning of June rolls around it's a super awesome motivator to log in and see all the contributions made - it just pushes me to keep going for my goal.

For those of you who enjoy working out, want to start getting in shape, or just want to help this awesome organization, there's also a link on my page to Team Texas Love 146. This will direct you to the team site I created so we can work together in this fight. If you decide to join, you will set up your own page (similar to mine) that will be linked to the team site as well. We set our own mileage goals and workout on our own (unless you live near me and want to join me for runs!) and the team page just totals our contributions so our donations are made in the team name under each persons name. -- Hopefully that makes sense! I think being a team for something like this is a great way to stay motivated and spread the word even further than on person can do on their own. Once you sign-up, you receive a welcome packet via email and it has all kinds of good stuff for you to utilize like a mileage log, graphics for facebook or webpages, and posters to print and share with the community. I'm going to print a few of the posters and see about hanging them at the gym, since everyone is already working out there anyway! ;)

What's really awesome is that you don't HAVE to run to log your miles. Anything you can think of you can do: run, bike, swim, walk, row, etc. Whatever floats your boat! Last year a young girl logged her hours using a pogo stick - super creative! Another guy was on a paddle boat for 24 hours straight (I can't imagine the blisters, that's some dedication for sure). Basically what I'm getting at is don't be intimidated thinking you have to run a gazillion miles, because you most definitely do not. I hope I see some new names on Team Texas Love 146 soon!

You don't have to wait until May 1st to sign up or to start donating. So let's get to treading and get the word out there!

Don't forget stop by my page!
