Friday, August 24, 2012


It's finally Friday! Is it just me or do the weeks seem to drag on lately? I feel like time has flown by, Fall is just around the corner but it feels like just yesterday it was May, but yet the weekends still take forever to get here it seems. Such is life I guess.

Hope you are all having a great week and plan to have an even better weekend! I might check out the Bearkat soccer game tonight and then work on some Ruffles and Lace projects tomorrow. Last night was Hornet Hysteria at the high school, Candy and I went with a couple other friends to watch Miss Caitlyn cheer. She did a fabulous job! It is still a bit strange going back to my old high school, even after working there for several years, and being in a brand new gym that wasn't around back when I was young. Oh well, guess I'm getting old!

Last weekend I worked on some Ruffles and Lace projects for Fair on the Square. Here's a little peek at one of the creations.
Candy Corn Wreath
Dont forget to make plans to attend the Fair on the Square- Saturday, October 6th! There are a ton of booths with all kinds of vendors and goodies and of course awesome food vendors, and there's a beer garden too ;)
Enjoy your Friday and have a fantabulous weekend!

Tuesday, August 14, 2012


I know many of you read The Pioneer Woman's site, if you don't, you're missing out! I usually just read and laugh at her silliness while randomly entering giveaways (that I'm ones never going to win) but every once in a while one of the posts really stands out and I'm compelled to share it. Do yourself a favor and check out This Post about some super cute sandals. They're not only really cute, but also support a great cause, which makes them extra fabulous!

On a completely different note, who's been watching True Blood?! OMG. I'm really glad I didn't stop watching a few seasons back like I almost did... so. good. right. now. And sticking to the topic of television, my ultimate, all-time favorite show starts back up in less than a month- SOA! (Sons of Anarchy) You should definitely catch up on the previous seasons if you haven't already been watching, it's literally the best show I've ever seen.

Can you believe Summer is almost over? Well, I guess down here it technically never ends until the first freeze, and even then it's questionable. But, Fall is coming and I couldn't be more excitd. I love when it starts to get dark out earlier and the breeze is cool at night. I just love the build up to winter with all the Fall decor, colors, leaves everywhere, rainy days, and s'mores (you can't have cool weather without s'mores!).

I'm so ready for this weekend so I can get back to working Ruffles and Lace projects! Hope you have some exciting plans for the weekend :)


Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Hump Day!

Is it just me or is this week going by reaaaaallllly slooooowwwly? Today should definitely be Friday, or at the very least, Thursday! Alas, I'll have to settle for Wednesday. Which is ok, there are only two more days left until the weekend and working on new projects!

Last Sunday I had an appointment down in the Woodlands so I just HAD to stop at Joann Fabrics and start stocking up for fall. I know I've gone on several times about loving summer time, but fall really is awesome..I mean if I really had to pick a fav it just might be fall, although really why pick favorites when it's not necessary? Joann's was having a fantabulous sale AND I had a coupon so I did really well for the day. Here's a little sneak preview at some fabrics I purchased. Remind you of anything in particular?

I actually took off work last Friday to get some stuff done since I had such a busy weekend of errands, appointments, and tons of driving. After making some major progress on the list Friday morning my mama and I hit up some antique stores in some nearby towns that afternoon. It was a lot of fun, even though it was crazy hot. Can you believe some of these places don't haev AC's or fans?! We didn't end up getting much, but I found a few awesome sites for future purchases (sorry, can't reveal any of those details hehe!) One shop we went in had an entire wall filled with old stained glass windows. They were so pretty!
The picture obvs doesn't do the glass justice, you'll just have to trust me that they were beautiful :)

Hope everyone is having a fabulous week and planning great things for the weekend, I know I am!
